Wednesday, October 9, 2024

car is running again

On our way back from West Liberty last week, we got hit with some debris from the storm coming in. A branch went right through the grill and took out the radiator and the A/C condenser.

 I ordered a new radiator, but the first one they sent had a leak. The second one is now in the car and doesn't seem to be leaking any. I started it up and idled it up to operating temperature and it seems to be OK. A road test is still in order.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

A couple more minor updates

I picked a bucket full of pears from Lisa & Jim's tree today and started processing them. I canned 8 jars and the rest are currently cooking down for pear sauce and pear butter.

 Harry was down a couple days ago and we buried the rest of the electric trench and smoothed it all out. Everything is ready to have the trailer delivered as soon as I can get that done. We had a hauler look at it today and I'm hopeful we will get it here soon.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Electric conduit is all in place

When I found out that my plan to run the electric service on the surface was no longer allowed by the power company, I had to run all of it underground. After pulling everything I had already done back out, I started by drilling a line of holes with my power auger.
Then all the middle walls of the holes got dug out.
Once that was all done, the new, longer piece of conduit was slid into the trench and through the tunnel under the foundation. Heather helped out with this part. It was a two person job to get it to get it through the tunnel and pull the extra wire through it.
Then I had to feed it all through the elbow and settle it in to the bottom of the new trench. I started to bury the trench at the tunnel and packed some of the dirt into the tunnel to help keep it from settling too much. I forgot that the power company supplies the wire up to the meter. I have more wire than I need now.

Monday, August 26, 2024

More small bits

It took several days to get the hole under the foundation dug through. The holes looked like they were going right into each other, but they weren't connecting. I did finally get them to join.

 The meter box ands outside main breaker boxes are both mounted and conduit is run. You can see a short gap at the bottom of the trench, but I have the piece cut and it's laying beside the trench. Now if I can just get someone to transport the trailer... I never dreamed THAT would be the biggest challenge. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024


After the concrete cured, I got the pedistal put together.
And got the meter box and main disconnect box mounted.

 First thing this morning, I lit the brush pile. It was still small, so it didn't take too long to burn down. It was mostly finished by lunchtime.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Some progress

More canning got done yesterday. The beans are slowing down, but there is still more of them out in the garden. We are well over 100 jars for this year now.

The tomatoes are not doing as well, but they still produce enough to help fill jars. I think I will try different varieties next year. This looks like a lot, but I only got about 2 quarts of sauce out of it.

Harry was down yesterday and buried the water line trench. I had the inspector here the day before and he OK'd this part. He still has to come back when we run the sewer line, but we need the trailer here for that. That is proving to be the hardest part - finding someone to do it.

I got the first section of conduit put in for the electric service this morning. 
And I planted the posts for the pedistal and got them concreted in. I needed the section of conduit in to get the placement of the pedistal right. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Water line installed

 I started with a phone call to the inspector to find out if my coupler fittings were OK. They weren't, so I went out and got a different one, then cleared the silt that had settled into the trench, deepening it a few inches before unrolling the new water line into it. Digging under the foundation proved to be quite difficult, but it is all run. I'll call in the morning to set up the inspection.