Monday, March 3, 2025

Another small update

With the skirting I had left over from the girls place, I replaced the south end of mine. It was the vented kind before, and we have had occasional issues with water lines freezing when there was too much wind with a cold front. This skirting is solid and will let less air through which should help with that.

Lisa and Jim are adding to their paved area up by the garage and had a trailer load of dirt/sod that was skimmed off to make room for the new blacktop. It took me a week or two to get it all shovelled off and put on the septic tank and lines. The weather was not helping me at all with rain then freezing it all together.

But I finished up up at the end of last week. The pipes are all covered and the grading of the hill around the tank has begun.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Small update

 Natalie and her mom got the kitchen cabinets painted last week. It really brightened everything up. We added new knobs and handles so it matched the other side. We still have 2 more doors to do. They will get done in a couple of days when she is off again.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Down around the corner

I got the missing pieces on Tuesday, but yesterday was too cold to do anything with it. Today was a little better, so I got back at it. The ground track had to be dug out, same as before.

 I brought both sides around to the end. I still haven't found any dirt to level it out around the sewer pipe, so I cut another piece to slant up over the pipe. I will have to re-do this end when I fill it in, but it's WAY better than it was for drafts under the trailer.

Monday, January 13, 2025

A bit more skirting done

 After digging the pieces of skirting and trim out of the snow yesterday, I got some more skirting put up today. I had to dig the snow and ice away to get the ground clear enough to work. I am now at the point of knowing what materials are needed to finish, so I'll get them as soon as I can.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

More skirting done

I got started doing more of the skirting this morning after it warmed up a little. If you try to cut the skirting when it's too cold, it will shatter.

I did get the front done all the way to the corner. It was chipping a little bit, but for the most part, it was manageable. I had to make a Lowes run to get some lag anchors before I started the back.

 Here is where all the lag anchors are getting used. The back ground strips all end up sitting on the foundation, so I have to drill the concrete and use the lag screws to hold the track in place. It takes a bit longer than just whacking a nail into the ground to hold it. I got just past the back door before it started to get too dark to see.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Driveway stone

The gravel hauler I called yesterday delivered about 20 tons of stone today. I had to hire a smaller hauler because one of the quarry's tri-axles would not fit into the driveway here. It took him 2 loads, but he was able to make the turn in from the road. 

 I had called Harry yesterday and he came down with his tractor when the gravel was delivered and spread it for us. He'll be back in a couple of days after it settles in a little bit to smooth out the edges, but it is ready to be parked on. I also picked up a couple more boxes of skirting this afternoon so I can get going on that again as I have time.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Skirting started

It wasn't exactly the best work bench, but it worked just fine for the skirting and mounting stuff. The sawhorses were a good height so the cut pieces didn't split or shatter at the end of the cutting.

I started here on the end - and yes, there is a short piece needed in the middle

Getting it around the corner proved more challenging with the downspout, but I got it figured out.

 I ran out of materials just about the kitchen window. This also cleaned up a lot of the disarray in the back yard where we had put all the skirting pieces when it was moved in. I still have plenty of ground strip and backing, but need to get some more sheets of the skirting.