I took a road trip to the Badlands last week. It is a place I have wanted to see, and it did not disappoint. Absolutely beautiful countryside.
The Black Hills area was also visited. Also spectacular.
The Iron Horse Road near Custer Park has some interesting sights like these small tunnels. All the bore marks from the digging of them are still visible inside. There are several of them along the road.
The road comes out near Mt. Rushmore. Quite a sight to see.
Since there was a full moon while there, I got some pictures of the moon setting. I love the layers of color.
The layers of color were also visible in the hills. Truly awe-inspiring scenery.
Local inhabitants were these bighorn sheep, along with mule deer, antelope, prairie dog towns and others.
Like the bison. They were wandering around and not concerned with human presence. I saw them every day I was there.
Some picture updates
2 months ago