Thursday, January 16, 2025

Down around the corner

I got the missing pieces on Tuesday, but yesterday was too cold to do anything with it. Today was a little better, so I got back at it. The ground track had to be dug out, same as before.

 I brought both sides around to the end. I still haven't found any dirt to level it out around the sewer pipe, so I cut another piece to slant up over the pipe. I will have to re-do this end when I fill it in, but it's WAY better than it was for drafts under the trailer.

Monday, January 13, 2025

A bit more skirting done

 After digging the pieces of skirting and trim out of the snow yesterday, I got some more skirting put up today. I had to dig the snow and ice away to get the ground clear enough to work. I am now at the point of knowing what materials are needed to finish, so I'll get them as soon as I can.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

More skirting done

I got started doing more of the skirting this morning after it warmed up a little. If you try to cut the skirting when it's too cold, it will shatter.

I did get the front done all the way to the corner. It was chipping a little bit, but for the most part, it was manageable. I had to make a Lowes run to get some lag anchors before I started the back.

 Here is where all the lag anchors are getting used. The back ground strips all end up sitting on the foundation, so I have to drill the concrete and use the lag screws to hold the track in place. It takes a bit longer than just whacking a nail into the ground to hold it. I got just past the back door before it started to get too dark to see.