We lost a big chunk of the maple tree in the last storm.
It tore down part of the fence when it came down. Heather put up one of her extra corral panels to make sure the horses didn't decide to leave.
Cutting it all up took most of the day. There were a lot of branches to drag over to the burn pile. It's a lot bigger now.
I took quite a few loads of wood out to the road and stacked them up. We put a "free wood" sign on the pile. The first stack was gone before we finished eating lunch.
All cleaned up and ready for the repair work to the fence. That part is going to wait for a little bit. Heather put the horses back across the street, so we can take our time finishing the fence repair. We also want to put in some culvert pipe and light the burn pile before we bring them back over here.
Some picture updates
2 months ago
Now I really wish we had a wood stove!