Monday, April 5, 2010

More work

Heather took this as I was finishing up the drivers' side brakes of the Subaru yesterday. Not quite how I wanted to spend Easter, but it had to be done.

This is the first board to go up as we start the repair and remodeling of our barn. The Danville barn lumber we salvaged matches beautifully.

Some of the pieces gave us a really hard time nailing them up. The timbers in our barn are old hardwood, probably oak, and hard as concrete in some places. We bent a lot of nails on it today.

1 comment:

  1. What did you expect, they were mother's brakes.
    I tried to use a piece of hardwood when I was building the ramp, and i broke two drill bits and bent countless nails, so I know how you feel, and don't worry, I replaced the drill bits.
